I turned a year up last week, and I must say it was the best birthday ever! It was a weeklong celebration (i'm going to hell for this, since my birthday fell on the Holy Week this year). It started out with a surprise. The thing is, I was preparing a surprise for my roomie, and we have been planning it for a few weeks now so I was really excited not only for me but for her as well. Turned out, she has a small surprise for me too. Anyway, so my surprise was a success, she went home with a big smile. But I was getting ahead of myself. My boo, picked me up at work (I took a halfday vl, yes I have work on this day which is a big thing on itself because it's a holiday - Bataan day). My roomie has work also so we had the place to ourselves. We picked up some food for later (aside from the baked mussels that my boo prepared for me, he knows it's my one of my faves) and then we just hung around at the house while preparing the surprise for my roomie. Come 6pm, my roomie and her partner arrived and the celebration began. We talked about everything over some booze and smokes. It was a blast!


My gifts!
Since my newly found friend is staying at the house, we had a mini party (just the three of us) on Thursday night. We went to the market to buy green mangoes and bagoong. On the way there we saw some ihawan and we grabbed a few (well, ok it's actually a lot) street foods for ourselves. We ordered some isaw na baboy and chicken, betamax (coagulated blood), tenga, and balot. We also looked for beer to wash the food down.
Friday was solely for celebration. My boo came by the house and we spent the day just hanging around, sharing stories over a few beers. We took a dip at the pool to cool ourselves, then did some cooking and body shots. It was the best! We all got along so well. It feels like we've been best buds for a long time.
Saturday we went to the mall to buy a washing machine. It was an impulse buy (we forgot all about the laundry because of all the partying and we don't have anything to wear for work the following week. =p). My boo and I weren't supposed to meet that day, but when he learned that we're buying a washing machine, he offered to help and met us up at SM Megs (aww, ain't that sweet?). Well, needless to say we had another bout of partying afterwards.
Come Sunday, we're all a bit melancholy. We have work for the next day, and our visitor will be going back already. Oh well, all good things must last... It was one memorable week something that we look forward to replicating hopefully in the near future. IJM here signing out.